Trump allies are handing out cash to black voters

Pro-Trump non-profit spends big $$$ for Black vote

Organizers have begun holding events in black communities where they lavish praise on the president while handing out thousands of dollars in giveaways


A nonprofit created to support President Donald Trump and his administration’s policies donated more than $230,000 to a group that recently awarded cash prizes to black attendees at a Cleveland event they billed as a Christmas “cash giveaway.”

America First Policies, the nonprofit arm of a pro-Trump super PAC which was started by former Trump campaign aides, issued a $238,000 grant to the Urban Revitalization Coalition Inc., in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, according to its 2018 tax return first published by the Center for Public Integrity. The charity, co-founded by Pastor Darrell Scott and Kareem Lanier, handed out thousands of dollars in cash as part of an event promoted as a “Christmas Extravaganza.” Other cash giveaways by the organization have been said to be planned.

Article submitted by sheltomlee:

***News Views notes:  The article is a bit older but the video focuses on CNN took a deep dive into reports that groups allied with Trump are funneling cash to potential voters in the hopes that they will turn out in November in what is expected to be a close presidential election.

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