As Joe Biden rises in the polls, Senator Ron Johnson wants to subpoena documents related to Burisma

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is preparing to subpoena a witness tied to Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, in an escalation of the GOP probe of the firm that comes as former vice president Joe Biden’s fortunes are rising in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a letter Sunday to members of the panel informing them of his plan to force a vote on subpoenaing the witness, political consultant and former Ukrainian diplomat Andrii Telizhenko, who worked for a company called Blue Star Strategies that was a representative for Burisma in the United States.

If approved, Johnson’s move would mark the first subpoena Senate Republicans have issued in their probe into Biden and Burisma.

The Washington Post:

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