Trump Melts Down at NBC’s Peter Alexander

Trump exhibited a meltdown with NBC correspondent Peter Alexander at the Coronavirus press conference, claiming he was a “terrible reporter.”

Trump’s tantrum came after Alexander asked him to calm Americans’ fears after 200 deaths and 14,000 have become infected with the virus.

“I say that you’re a terrible reporter,” Trump said. “That’s what I say. I think that’s a very nasty question.”

Alexander got a chance a few minutes later to ask Vice President Pence the same question, and Pence answered “do not be afraid, be vigilant” and went on to explain that the risk of serious illness for most Americans is low.

Alexander, when asked about the exchange by colleague Andrea Mitchell, said he was offering Trump a “softball” question, an opportunity to reassure millions of Americans with a positive and uplifting message.

See more at NBC News.