The Woman In Michigan Goes National

Governor Gretchen Whitmer After 16 months in Office, Pandemic Manager and VP Prospect

In the middle of one of the most important jobs in a lifetime — managing the response in a pandemic for a state with the third most cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. — Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is being vetted by the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee and America for a different job.

For those who hear her referred to as “that woman” or a more familiar, if tongue-in-cheek nickname, “Gee Dubya,” it might be an appropriate time for us to see what the fuss is about.

An excerpt, from Politico:

To the untrained eye, Gretchen Esther Whitmer might seem like a pushover. With the suburban-mom hairstyle, the high-pitched giggle, the nasally accent straight out of “Fargo” central casting, she looks like the type of person—OK, the type of woman—that Donald Trump would chew up and spit out.

But looks can be deceiving, especially when they are strategically deployed to deceive.

Reared in the cradle of Michigan’s back-slapping establishment, Whitmer is the quintessential insider, one-part policy aficionado and one-part student of the game. She’s an old-style pol, known as much for impassioned partisan crusades as for her conciliatory three-beer summits. In Lansing, you cannot find anyone, Republican or Democrat, on the record or off, who does not admire the skills of the state’s 49th governor. Moreover, just about everyone likes her. She is genuine, secure, quick to give a hug or share a dirty joke. She is a mom, a sports nut, a lawyer, a politician with a perfect record of winning races and a long history of flustering opponents.

For the complete story, see here at Politico.