Talk o Tuesday 4-14-20

Has the boredom killed you yet? Has being trapped in your home with the ones you ALLEGEDLY love want to lash out?

Meh–I’m pretty much a homebody to begin with but, I do have to get out now and then; there’s just nowhere to go.

I took one of my sons some Easter dinner yesterday; my family broke down and ate swine like they do twice a year….maybe. I don’t eat meat so I made baked meatless ziti and guess what? It’s gone. I’m stuck with a bunch of ham because they all tackled MY ziti, ditched the ham and the sides except for the Cesare salad and grilled asparagus (they’re learning!).

But, it felt good to get out of the house. OH!!!! I found several N-95 masks in an antique sideboard/buffet I have….I KNEW!!! I stashed some from a CA wildfire fallout to protect everyone from the polluted air we suffered from a few years back. My other son took them to my mom; she needs them more than we do…..along with a bunch of food I made.

My mom called me to tell me she ate all the pasta and Pane di Pasqua I made, ate a few bites of the swine, then tossed the rest. So much for swine—If I had made lamb, they would have devoured it.

This is close, very close to how I make Pane di Pasqua but we no longer add colored eggs or ‘sprinkles.’ I used to when my sons were younger and they braided the bread and ‘nested’ the colored eggs.

You can eat this year round; it’s the Italian version of brioche, in actuality.

Because I’m both Italian and Greek, we always celebrated ‘both’ Easters; although, I was raised Roman Catholic, not Greek Orthodox and today, follow NEITHER.

For Greek Easter and pretty much year round, I love these! Dunk them in coffee, pass them on to family and friends, the Greek version of Biscotti. (I’ll share my cranberry pistachio biscotti dipped in white chocolate at a later date).

But, seriously, these lovely ‘butter cookies’ will cure boredom and make life just a taste a bit more wonderful. If you have kids, put them to work.

So, feel free to talk about pretty much anything and enjoy each one’s company; don’t eat your own, please. We’re in this together.

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