Get ready for Towel Day

Stay In for Towel Day aka. International Geek Pride Day

Obviously, get-togethers are cancelled this year, but various web streams are planned, with benefits to save the rinos.

The main series:

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
  • The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
  • Mostly Harmless
  • So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish
  • Young Zaphod Plays it Safe (short story)
  • Mostly Harmless
  • And Another Thing… by Eoin Colfer
  • Starship Titanic (the video game by Adams and the novel by Terry Jones)

Additionally, the Dirk Gently series and multiple Dr. Who serials and some of the essays from the posthumous Salmon of Doubt anthology are implied to be in the same universe.

The 2005 movie got a lot of criticizm for being quite loosely based on the books, but people forget the books and BBC miniseries themselves were loosely based on the original radio dramas.

Entertainment submitted by, TheAristocrats.