Trump’s Scarborough Distraction Causing Some GOP to Squirm

While Trump tweets insinuations that Joe Scarborough murdered a former aide in 2001, a few Republicans are questioning his strategy.

Lori Klausutis accidentally died in Scarborough’s Florida office due to an abnormal heart rhythm. Her widower has begged the president to stop dragging her name through the media to wage political war, but when asked if he was aware of Mr. Klausutis’s wishes, Trump said “I’m sure ultimately they want to get to the bottom of it and it’s a very serious situation.”

Some congressional republicans are starting to object.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) started Sunday saying, “Just stop. Stop spreading it, stop creating paranoia. It will destroy us.”

Sen. Mitt Romney (Loser-UT) said, “Joe is a friend of mine. I don’t know T.J. Klausutis. Joe can weather vile, baseless accusations but T.J.? His heart is breaking. Enough already.”

Satan spawn Liz Cheney (Wingnut-WY) said, “I do think the president should stop tweeting about Joe Scarborough. We’re in the middle of a pandemic. He’s the commander in chief of this nation. And it’s causing great pain to the family of the young woman who died.”

Sam Nunberg, a former Trump adviser, had mixed comments. He suggested Scarborough and his wife Mika Brzezinski were friends to Trump when it was convenient, but added, “Right now, in his presidency, we are not ‘The Apprentice’ season one anymore. We are in season six, viewership is down, the game is old, and things like this, when Americans have larger concerns, is a problem.”

“Look, I don’t understand the strategy,” said Alex Conant, a GOP consultant who worked on Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-Fla.) 2016 presidential campaign. 

“Joe Scarborough has nothing to do with defeating the pandemic or winning the election, so why Scarborough continues to occupy so much of the president’s attention is confusing.”

Trump trails Joe Biden in head to head polls, and the voters are looking at the country going in the wrong direction.

A new Economist-YouGov poll released Wednesday showed just 31 percent of Americans believing the nation was on the right track, compared to 60 percent who believe it is on the wrong track. Even some longtime Trump allies believe those kinds of numbers pose a real problem for an incumbent president seeking reelection. 

Trump continues to use Twitter as a distraction from the health and economic crisis, and wingnuts are starting to worry that Trump is overwhelmed with the challenges facing him. They are scratching their heads wondering how being an internet troll is helping his standing in the polls.

See The Hill and Daily Beast for source information.