Putin says Russia’s handling of coronavirus is superior to U.S.

MOSCOW (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that Russia was emerging from the novel coronavirus epidemic with minimal losses, (6948 deaths) having handled it better than the United States where he said party political interests got in the way.

Russia has the third-highest number of coronavirus cases in the world with 529,000. The USA (we’re # 1, we’re # 1) has 2,160,000 cases, followed by Brazil with 853,000.  India is forth, 333,000 and the UK 296,000 is fifth.

The UK also has the highest deaths per million people in the world (614) after Belgium, but I digress.

“I can’t imagine someone in the (Russian) government or regions saying we are not going to do what the government or president say,” said Putin.

“It seems to me that the problem (in the United States) is that group, in this case party interests, are put above those of society’s as a whole, above the interests of the people.”


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