Latest Covid-19 pandemic statistics

As of 17:45 hrs EDT on 6/15/20

This is intended to be a daily update on American deaths and infections from the Covid-19 virus.

The statistics are taken from the WorldoMeter website.

This site records a spreadsheet of daily statistics for 213 countries, 2 territories, and is a treasure trove for info geeks.

The stats will be given as is without editorializing . Pertinent trends will be noted and occasionally a curiosity from the table will be given.

Like this : Bangladesh, which has a 900% smaller population than China, has had more confirmed cases of and deaths from Covid-19 than China.

Here you go : 118,264 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus.

Up 406 from 6/14 and the 4th day in a row with under 1,000 deaths and 2,181,574 Americans are confirmed to have contracted the Covid-19 virus, up 19,346 from 6/14.

Article submitted by, Ronald McDonnel.