Covid-19 Pandemic update USA

As of 17:45 hrs on 6/21/20

122,239 Americans are confirmed to have died from the Covid-19 virus.  Up 259 from 6/20 and the fewest daily deaths in months.

2,354,275 Americans are confirmed to have contracted the Covid-19 virus. Up 23,697 from 6/20.

There is some question about the depth of testing in the USA. Epidemiologists measure the number of deaths per million people to determine the depth of testing in a given country.

The following are the top testing countries by this standard.

United Arab Emirates 301,280 tests per million people.

Bahrain 276,869 tests per million people

Denmark  151,311 tests per million people

Russia 116,118 tests per million people

Qatar 114,250 tests per million people

U K  11o,426 tests per million people

Spain 110, 400 tests per million people

Belarus 94,829 tests per million people

U S A  84,118 tests per million people

With the largest population of these top 9 countries, the USA has tested more people by number.

However, its shallow depth of testing gives the accurate picture of the progress of testing throughout the population.

Article submitted by, ronald mcdonnel.