Talko Tuesday: 7-07-2020

So, we survived the fireworks, both the legal and illegal ones. I’ve never heard so many KABOOMS! that literally occurred ALL OVER CA. We have some tight restrictions on them, but people still let off what I swear were WMD. Most of what I heard weren’t the legal kind.

Just five weeks ago, I spent two nights listening to cops setting off flashbangs all over my city to control protesters. They weren’t the ones doing anything wrong nor illegal. It was a bunch of useless shits that came downtown and blew up my city to the point that it still looks like boarded up Youngstown—STILL!. So, I’m over all the KABOOMS! and have no desire of hearing them in a loooooong, loooooong time.

Hope everyone is doing well, keeping safe and HEALTHY. That’s the big one, very big. Stay healthy and avoid any risks.

I was just told, now that it’s all safe and good, that someone who works with a ‘family member’ of mine tested positive and the daughter in law I like had to get tested. Thankfully, it was negative. But, we were just at their house last week. My son is really pissed off.

Then, my husband finally ‘fessed up and told me that a son of one of his workers tested positive and they immediately sent the guy home. Thankfully, he, too, tested negative.

No one tells me this stuff until after the fact because, apparently, I freak out.

I just want everyone to remain healthy–PLEASE, STAY SAFE.

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