It looks like Kushner is a big part of the failed federal response to Covid-19

Throughout March and early April, Kushner led a task force, parallel to the White House’s official efforts, to devise a coronavirus plan that would accelerate testing and supply chains nationwide.  Ultimately, it didn’t go forward, and Trump instead shifted much of the responsibility to individual states.   But the new report, by Vanity Fair’s Katherine Eban, sheds light on how that decision may have been made.  The logic, according to a source who spoke to Vanity Fair, was the the virus would hit Democrat-voting areas hardest, and the damage could be blamed on local governors instead.

The expert also said the final call would have been Kushner’s. “It was very clear that Jared was ultimately the decision maker as to what [plan] was going to come out.”

On Monday however, reports emerged that Trump’s pivot may have been motivated by advisors showing him increases in cases in Republican and swing states — or “our people,” as a senior administration official told the Washington Post.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.