Barron Trump won’t attend in-person classes at private school because of county-wide COVID-19 mandate

Because schools for the wealthy are special.

Barron Trump will not return to in-person classes at his Maryland private school until October — even as his president father threatens to cut much-needed funding to school districts that go remote this fall.

Barron, 14, and other students at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac won’t return to campus until Oct. 1, following a county directive issued Friday, CNN reported.

“Nonpublic schools located within Montgomery County, Maryland are prohibited from physically reopening for in-person instruction through October 1, 2020,” read the directive, which noted that “nonpublic school” refers to any school located in the county that is not part of the public school system.


Article submitted by, AucepsTheLocalMilkPerson.