After four long nights of drivel, droning on about the Dotard Party and the devilish Dotard himself, I have to admit I’m hung over.
I’ve had a GOP headache for about the last three years, and a Mitch McConnell flatline grimace all day, trying to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get my Biden/Harris pom poms dug out from the depths of the couch cushions.
So tonight, I’m teetotaling. I made some thick fudgy brownies loaded with walnuts, and thinking of drowning my sorrows in chocolate instead. I do have hot fudge sauce……..

Early this morning in the heavy rain, our satellite signal was out, so I introduced my hubs to TwinsthenewTrend in lieu of a local news report with our breakfast. If you haven’t seen these guys, a quick background says they are Tim and Fred Williams from Gary, Indiana. These two 22-year-olds have taken YouTube inside their bedroom/studio to host “First Reactions” to popular music that most of us have heard before, from many genres and decades. I’ll just give you a few that I’ve come across, in hopes to help ease your GOP hangover tonight (assuming I’m not alone), and you guys can take it from there. Chocolate overload Cheers, everyone!