Free Chat Friday-The weeks all run together

Happy Friday, News Viewers! Seriously, I have no clue what week number it is. According to Mr. Google, it’s Week 42, but last week, our dear Rachel had us at Week 44. Regardless, they have all run together at this point.

I used to look forward to Friday but everyday is either Friday or Monday, could even be Wednesday. I really don’t know until I wake up and think about it for a bit, then it comes to me. Thank you, 2020, for screwing up the calendar as well as a ton of other stuff.

So, we had the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to confirm Amy ‘Handmaiden’ Comey Barrett. Good god, what sham that was.

“Senator Booker, I cannot comment on what day of the week it is because as a judge, I must remain fair and impartial at this time and not offer my opinion on it. At some point, a litigant may bring forth suit that I must weigh the evidence, talk to my colleagues and clerks, and go through the opinion writing process on what day of the week it is. So, to answer your question, Senator Booker, I can’t give you an answer on what day of the week it is because I would be giving my opinion on it and well, I can’t.”


Yes, that’s pretty much how it went!

Speaking of Judge Handmaiden’s unspoken position on the ACA, someone asked Trump about his healthcare plan to replace Obamacare (something in the works for years) and he threw in this little nugget that Obamacare will soon be gone. Yeah, so much for impartiality, Judge Handmaiden. QUID PRO QUO!

And then there is this delusional woman who really needs to buy a new pair of glasses.

The smell of desperation and it truly stinks!

So, let’s wish Rachel the best; she’s out of commission for a few days and…you’re stuck with me! Happy Friday all. Stay safe and healthy and…MASK UP!

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!