Elton John honors Anthony Fauci on World AIDS Day

NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. and Sir Elton John (R) attend the Syringe Access Fund Reception at Open Society Foundations on July 24, 2012 

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s effort to educate the public on the coronavirus pandemic has earned him scores of admirers, but his work on the global HIV/AIDS crisis saw him cheered on Tuesday by one star-studded fan — Elton John.

“What a wonderful and fitting way to mark World AIDS Day, by honoring one of the biggest champions in the history of the AIDS epidemic,” John said in remarks at the US Global Leadership Coalition‘s virtual tribute celebration, where Fauci was presented with the organization’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

The fear and confusion of outbreaks aren’t new to Fauci, who in more than 30 years has handled HIV, SARS, MERS, Ebola and even the nation’s 2001 experience with bioterrorism – the anthrax attacks.

“There are very few people on this planet who have dedicated themselves to a lifetime of service to save millions of lives like Dr. Fauci,” said the global music superstar, who founded an eponymous foundation that works to combat HIV/AIDS and its stigma.”His unwavering commitment to public health and innovation has transformed the approach to HIV,” John said. “And it is his leadership and persistence that will ultimately help us overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Source: CNN