Lindsey Graham Begs Trump Legal Team to ‘Prove’ Their Claims As Lawsuits Fail in Court

In a Wednesday evening interview, South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said that President Donald Trump‘s legal team representing Trump’s re-election campaign needs to prove its allegations of widespread voter fraud in court rather than in videos intended for the public.

“To the Trump legal team: You’re making all these claims. You got to prove it,” Graham told Fox News interviewer Martha MacCallum.

“Doing a video is not proof,” Graham continued. “You need to take these claims in to a court of law and get relief.”

Graham’s comment about “doing a video” is a possible reference to several recent press conferences held by Trump’s legal team or the 46-minute video released by Trump on Wednesday in which Trump repeated voter fraud claims for which the legal team has yet to provide evidence.

Lindsey Graham Begs Trump Legal Team to ‘Prove’ Their Claims As Lawsuits Fail in Court (

Article submitted by, pccommentary.