Obnoxious Protesters Rally in the Dark Outside Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s Home

Somewhere between hanging Christmas lights and watching “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” with her 4-year-old son, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s evening was interrupted by loud and obnoxious protesters in the dark outside her home in Detroit.

A video was posted live to Facebook around 9:30pm, showing dozens of protesters with flags, pro-Trump gear, and bullhorns marching toward Benson’s home, demanding a forensic audit, yelling “stop the steal” and one person yelling “you’re murderers.”

A report from MLive confirms from police that some protesters were armed. When police showed up, protesters began singing the national anthem. A security man stood at the front door of Benson’s home shining a light on the protesters.

“We are letting her know that we’re not taking this bullshit election, we are not standing down, we are not giving up,” said Genevieve Peters, who posted the video. “You are not going to take this election from a man that has earned it completely 100% by a freaking landslide. Let me tell you: This ain’t over.”

Genevieve Peters has a history of protesting many things, from mask-wearing to LGBTQ rights (here and here).

Protesters began dispersing as more police officers became present. Peters promised that the group would return.

“I wouldn’t even call it a demonstration, it was just a small event and nothing came of it,” said Michigan State Police Lt. Mike Shaw.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel felt differently.

This was at MLive, The Hill, and Detroit Free Press.