“Former President Donald J. Trump was our 45th President of the United States and against great odds, accomplished many things that have led our nation to unparalleled prosperity.”
Two Ohio representatives are looking to declare June 14 as “President Donald J. Trump Day.”
On Friday, Republican Reps. Jon Cross and Reggie Stoltzfus emailed their House colleagues asking for co-sponsors for their upcoming bill “to celebrate one of the greatest presidents in American history,” the Columbus Dispatch reports.

“Let’s show the 3,154,834 Ohio voters who cast their ballot to re-elect Donald J. Trump that we as a legislature recognize the accomplishments of his administration,” the request said.
They selected June 14 as it is Trump’s birthday. It is also Flag Day, which commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States of America on June 14, 1777.
There is some precedent for honoring a former U.S. president in this way. The date Feb. 6 in Ohio is designated as “Ronald Reagan Day,” per an act of the 127th Ohio General Assembly.