Marjory Stoneman Douglas Marks Third Anniversary of Parkland Shooting

Communities across South Florida are commemorating the third anniversary of the Parkland shooting that killed seventeen at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, 2018.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered all flags to be flown at half-mast Sunday to remember the victims.

President Biden called on Congress to pass “commonsense gun law reforms.” In a statement, the president called for several specific provisions to be adopted into legislation by Congress, including an end to legal immunity for gun manufacturers, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and an expansion of federal background checks. 

House Speaker Pelosi said in a statement, “On this solemn remembrance, Democrats join the American people to renew our commitment to our unfinished work to ensure that no family or community is forced to endure the pain of gun violence.  We will not rest until all Americans, in schools, in the workplace, in places of worship and throughout our communities are safe, once and for all.”

Jennifer Guttenberg spoke of the loss of her daughter Jaime, 14, one of the victims of Nicolas Cruz that day, who is still awaiting a trial.

Sadly, not much has changed in three years. As I hear of continued threats at schools, public buildings and other places, my mind races and I pray nobody actually loses their life leaving behind family members like myself. As I hear loud, unexpected sounds I startle and sometimes cry with the reminder of what happened. I have gone from living for the future to living one day at a time, because just getting through one day is challenging enough, and you don’t know if there will be a future. I live with the sadness in people’s eyes when they talk to me, some saying things to appease themselves, others attempting to appease you, and yet others saying nothing at all because they know there is nothing they can say that will help. I try to wait patiently for justice, but it is impossible, as I watch hearings about the murder case and see the trial getting continually delayed.

One thing that has (slightly) changed is the face of the GOP, many of whom applauded this woman, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.