Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 07/01/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.

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Biden Administration:


Oh, NOOOOOO! They’re picking on Rand Paul again; stay tuned!

Good luck to Mr. Booker! Please kick Baby Paul’s poodle headed ass to the cur!


White ISIS/MAGAts/ White Supremacists/Wing Nut Watch/GUNZ!:

  • Team Trump quietly launches new social media platform
    • GETTR will be the newest MAGA venture in this space. It’s being led by Trump’s former spokesman, Jason Miller.

Policing in the United States/Cops behaving badly:



Speaking of fireworks:

Other News:

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    WTF, America?! What the actual F?!