Ohio Catholic School Teacher Who Had Sex With 15-Year-Old Boy Gets Probation

Corissa McCalister, 22,  took a plea deal in which she admitted to the assault in exchange for a sentence of two years’ probation and 80 hours of community service, according to local CBS affiliate WTRF. If she violates those terms, she could face 30 months in prison.

The victim was riding in a car with McCalister on the way home from a track meet when she stopped at a nearby fairground and had sex with him, WTRF reported. The 15-year-old alerted his mother, who told school officials, who then called the police.

McCalister was charged with two counts of sexual battery in April, according to WTRF. In the plea deal, she copped to one count in exchange for the other being dropped. She also lost her teacher’s license and must register as a sex offender.

NY Daily

Judge T. Shawn Hervey said: “Punishment is necessary in this case because you held a position of trust and responsibility and you violated that and you’re going to face severe consequences for that; however, it’s my understanding that you still have the ability, you’re 22 years old, you still have a long life ahead of you and some day you can put this behind you.”



Nearly 2 weeks ago NV had a discussion about a 47 year-old female teacher in Alabama that had sex with two students, aged 17 and 18. She was sentenced to 10 years, she will have to spend 18 months in prison and then 18 months in a community corrections program before serving the remainder of her sentence on probation.

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