Chairman of the Former Guy’s inaugural fund arrested in Los Angeles

Private equity investor Thomas Barrack, who served as TFG’s chairman of the 2017 inaugural fund, was arrested Tuesday morning in Los Angeles, CA on federal charges related to illegally lobbying Trump for the United Arab Emirates, the Justice Department said.

According to NBC:

In a seven-count indictment, unsealed in a New York federal court, Barrack, 74, and two others are accused of “acting and conspiring to act as agents” of the United Arab Emirates between April 2016 and April 2018. Barrack was also charged with obstruction of justice and making multiple false statements to federal law enforcement agents.

The trio acted “to advance the interests of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the United States at the direction of senior UAE officials by influencing the foreign policy positions of the campaign of a candidate in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and, subsequently, the foreign policy positions of the U.S. government in the incoming administration, as well as seeking to influence public opinion in favor of UAE interests,” the DOJ said.

Watch the video below for further details.

Indictment found here:

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