Cardinal Who Criticized Vaccines Placed on Ventilator With COVID

I have no idea what’s going on here.

Former St. Louis archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, who has reportedly spread misinformation about the virus and the vaccines, first said he tested positive Aug. 10. At the time, he said he was “resting comfortably and receiving excellent medical care.”

4 days later …

“Cardinal Burke has been admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 and is being assisted by a ventilator,” Saturday’s post read. “Doctors are encouraged by his progress.”

The Charlotte Observer

The cardinal has expressed skepticism about the need for social distancing measures and spoke out against mandatory vaccinations in May 2020, according to the National Catholic Reporter. “It must be clear that vaccination itself cannot be imposed, in a totalitarian manner, on citizens,” he said at the time.

He has repeated false claims suggesting vaccines may inject microchips that allow recipients to “be controlled by the State regarding health and about other matters which we can only imagine” and also said that “it is never morally justified to develop a vaccine through the use of the cell lines of aborted fetuses.”

Burke, a staunch conservative, has publicly criticized Pope Francis on social issues such as homosexuality and abortion.

Huff Post

In a homily given last December, Burke called COVID the “Wuhan virus,” and said, “It has been used by certain forces inimical to families and to the freedom of nations, to advance their evil agenda.”

St. Louis Dispatch

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