Today, class, let’s talk about box wine.

It’s been one of those weeks that has me considering quantity over quality.
The world watches what’s going down in Afghanistan. Desperate people are flooding the last shred of Western-held civilization at the airport in Kabul, most of them with links to the U.S. military — but the majority will be left to face the reality of the Afghan government again continuing to fail to protect their people, men and women, from the ghoulish mob known as the Taliban.
Meanwhile, back in the civilized west, the delta variant either maims or kills many of the unvaccinated, and in some cases it seems to eat half of their brain cells.
Which leads me to the discussion of box wine. Yep, that will do it.
An actual internet search of box wines continued to lead me to this brand:

Further research reveals that 3 liters of wine is equivalent to 4 bottles, or 20 glasses of wine.
I’m in for 20 glasses this weekend. Anyone else? Does anyone have a better plan? HELP.
** Please note, this was day four of heavy machinery tearing up my yard and dumping rocks lots of places — often where they belong, but often where they don’t. It feels a bit like a Middle East conflict in my own humble abode.
So NewsViews again plays out as my escape from reality, tonight with a drink in hand as we celebrate time with friends, escaping our own personal war zones. Things could be far worse.
Peace, and cheers! It’s 5:00 Somewhere. Glug-glug-glug!