Free Chat Friday, Week 34

Happy Friday News Viewers, and welcome to Free Chat (not that there’s anything to talk about) 😊😁 Ok, there’s way too much to talk about, as 2021 is a continuation of the dreaded 2020, a year we thought would go down in infamy. It has (gone down in infamy), but in the end, it’ll probably be the DECADE that goes down in infamy.

Was it ever this chaotic? this toxic? this unjust, unethical, corrupt, disappointing and aimless? Was it ever?

A few random cartoons from Pre-COVID 2020, Pre-Biden 2019, Pre Heat Dome 2016, Pre-Marjorie, Lauren, DeSatan, Abbott and Mo 2012, Pre Isis-K 2011 are included here just to give us some perspective. The following are no comfort, because these and others show us, “we’ve been here before. We just didn’t learn anything. SO…..”doomed to repeat it.”

August 28,2020
December 20, 2019
October 23, 2019
August 28, 2016
August 31, 2012
January 18, 2011

What are your thoughts on this Friday, August 28, 2021? Another summer gone, another year going, another lesson learned about the time we have to do what we do. And what do we do? Big picture, we remember where we’ve been so we stop going back there year after year. Is this a cycle we can break? Inquiring minds. . . . .