Stephanie Grisham’s #BeBest Book Compares Melania to Marie Antoinette

The former White House press secretary who never held a press briefing is finally speaking.

In Stephanie Grisham’s new book “I’ll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in The Trump White House,” due to hit the shelves in October, Grisham says she sees Melania Trump as like the doomed French Queen Marie Antoinette, “dismissive, defeated, detached.”

Grisham writes in the book that she was “shocked” that Melania saw the election as “rigged,” like her husband. Melania told Grisham that “something bad happened” and that the election results were illegitimate, even as Grisham tried to explain that all elections have small irregularities, but that there was no unfair conspiracy to toss her husband out of office.

On January 6 at approximately 1:25pm as Trump supporters were rioting in the Capitol, Grisham, the chief of staff to FLOTUS sent Melania a question:

“Do you want to tweet that peaceful protests are the right of every American, but there is no place for lawlessness and violence?”

Melania replied with one word: “No.”

Melania was busy at the moment preparing for a photo shoot of a rug she had picked out.

Grisham writes that this was the moment that “broke” her of defending the first lady of comparisons to Marie Antoinette.

An unnamed publishing source said that Grisham has other nuggets of interest involving interactions with others in the White House, such as Jared Kushner and Mark Meadows, who had her removed from her position as press secretary for the White House.

A statement provided by the office of Melania Trump said: “The intent behind this book is obvious. It is an attempt to redeem herself after a poor performance as press secretary, failed personal relationships, and unprofessional behavior in the White House. Through mistruth and betrayal, she seeks to gain relevance and money at the expense of Mrs. Trump.” 

The failed relationship remark was apparently about Grisham’s relationship with Trump aide, Max Miller, which reportedly “ended when he pushed her against a wall and slapped her in the face in his Washington apartment after she accused him of cheating on her.” 

Story at Politico and USA Today