Man Who Kicked a Woman Down a Brooklyn Subway Escalator Arrested

A commuter accused of kicking a woman down a Brooklyn subway escalator was nabbed by police at his home, cops said Saturday.

Bradley Hill, 32, wearing a collared blue dress shirt and a dark business suit, ignored questions from reporters as he was led out of a NYPD Transit Bureau station in Coney Island after his Friday arrest. 

The incident unfolded when Hill allegedly brushed past a 30-year-old mother on the escalator, prompting her to tell him that he should have said “excuse me.”

“I said, ‘Say excuse me.’ Just those three words,” the woman told the Daily News. “And then I looked the other way. He aggressively responded, ‘I did say excuse me.’ And boom, he automatically kicked me in the chest. Oh my God, it was from the top of the escalator at Barclay Center all the way to the bottom.”

“This was more than stairs. Escalators are spiky and moving,” she recounted. “They’re bigger and sharp. All over my body. I’m covered like I was clawed by a tiger.”

The woman fell several feet to the bottom of the escalator. She suffered cuts and bruises to her back, arms and legs but refused medical attention at the scene.

NY Daily and DEADState

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