Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls the NBA ‘Fascist’ for Allowing Magic Johnson to ‘Play with HIV’ While Kyrie Irving Stays Benched

“This is a whole new level of stupid

Earlier this week, Irving was prevented from playing with the Nets for refusing a COVID vaccine, which is required under New York City’s mandate to fully participate in the regular season.

Members of those markets were required to comply with the public ordinances that were enacted in New York and San Francisco that ban unvaccinated people from entering indoor settings, including barring players from using practice facilities.

As is often the case with MTG, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. It was not the “fascist” or “communist” NBA, or  even the “dictator” Biden, that won’t let Irving play.

“When the dictator Biden tells companies to fire your unvaccinated employees, yeah, the employee vax rate goes up to nearly 100 percent. There’s a term for that: corporate Communism,” she told Newsweek on Thursday. “It’s the government pushing communist tactics through the corporations. Another term would be discrimination.”

Johnson retired abruptly in 1991 after announcing that he had contracted HIV, but returned to play in the 1992 All-Star Game, winning the All-Star MVP Award. After protests from his fellow players, he retired again for four years, but returned in 1996, at age 36, to play 32 games for the Lakers before  retiring for the third and final time. – Wikipedia


Irving hasn’t coherently explained why he’s taken such a hardline stance against receiving the vaccine, but garnered further support from conservatives by stating “people are losing jobs to mandates”

“You think I want to give up my livelihood because of a mandate?” Irving said. “Because I don’t have accommodations? Because I’m unvaccinated? Come on. I’m not going to be used as a person in this agenda.

“It’s not about the Nets. It’s not about the organization. It’s not about the NBA. It’s not politics. It’s not any one thing that I’m pinpointing. It’s just about the freedom of what I want to do.”

NY Daily

✱With Irving, the Brooklyn Nets were the odds on favorite to be the 2021-2022 champions.

✱Kyrie Irving was set to earn $34-35 million this year.

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