UPDATE: Northeast Ohio Priest Sentenced to Life in Prison for Sexually Exploiting Boys

This is a follow up to:

Ohio Priest Who Blackmailed Kids Using Their Own Confessions Faces Life in Prison, from 11/7.

U.S. District Judge Sara Lioi said the public needed to be protected from the Rev. Robert McWilliams, saying the priest devastated and preyed upon the very youths who sought his help. She said he violated his position of trust to fulfill his sexual fantasies.

“He is evil incarnate,” the mother of two boys, both victimized by McWilliams, said during his sentencing hearing. “Father Bobby hunted and attacked my children.”

For nearly 30 minutes, the woman recounted how McWilliams damaged her family. She said one of her sons became suicidal, while the other was molested in a church and at home as the family watched football. McWilliams also attempted to gain sexually explicit photos of her other sons, she said.



The Diocese of Cleveland once again offered their prayers and asked “our loving Father to heal any and all wounds they have suffered.” 

Also, they’re still trying to figure out how to remove their priest from “the clerical state.”

“For its part, the diocese continues to actively pursue the removal of McWilliams from the clerical state.”


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