New report confirms TFG and other officials made “deliberate efforts to undermine the nations coronavirus response for political purposes”

The House Oversight Committee released a report on Friday that confirms The Former Guy (TFG) and other officials made “deliberate efforts to undermine the nations coronavirus response for political purposes.”

The Committee also concluded that the administration “worked to undermine the public health response to the coronavirus pandemic by blocking officials from speaking publicly, watering down testing guidance, and attempting to interfere with public health guidance.”

Dr. Brix’s frustration is also part of the report. The report claimed she became quite frustrated about a meeting that included doctors whom she called part of a “fringe group. ”

In an email, Dr. Brix wrote:

“I can’t be a part of this with these people who believe in herd immunity. These are people who believe that all the curves are predetermined and mitigation is irrelevant. They are a fringe group without grounding in epidemics, public health or on the ground common sense experience. I am happy to go out of town whatever gives the White House cover.

According to CNN, TFG was bigly upset about one particular briefing, which resulted in the Trump administration blocking the CDC from conducting any further public briefings for more than three months.

Another official told the Committee that TFG became enraged and denied the CDC’s request to hold a briefing on the recommendation to wear cloth face masks and inform the public about pediatric cases and deaths from COVID-19. CDC principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Schuchat told the committee that many CDC staff members felt they couldn’t speak out about the science of COVID-19 because TFG was all about the politics.

In summary, the Committee concluded:

The Trump administration officials engaged in a staggering pattern of political interference in the pandemic response and failed to heed early warnings about the looming crisis. These decisions placed countless American lives at risk, undermined the nations public health institutions, and contributed to one of the worst failure ships of leadership in American history.”

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