Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s glee at general’s Covid diagnosis sparks outrage

Rightwing presenter called a ‘merchant of death’ after mockingly applauding as she revealed Gen Mark Milley’s positive test

Laura Ingraham highlighted people who have tested positive despite being vaccinated. One critic wrote: ‘Not sure when hate become a Christian value.’ Photograph: Mark J Terrill/APMartin Pengelly@MartinPengellyTue 18 Jan 2022 11.58 EST

The rightwing Fox News host Laura Ingraham has stoked outrage by announcing that the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff had tested positive for Covid-19 – and applauding as she did so.

One critic called the host a “merchant of death”. Another said he was “not sure when hate became a Christian value”.

Gen Mark Milley became a target of rightwing anger after extensive reporting showed how he worked to contain Donald Trump at the end of his time in power, keeping US armed forces out of domestic affairs.

Milley has also defended the teaching in military institutions of critical race theory, an academic discipline which conservatives have turned into a profitable election issue.

On Monday, Ingraham introduced a section of her show called Positively Boosted, in which she gleefully recounts which vaccinated public figures have tested positive.

Clapping and smiling, she said: “Triple-vaxxed joint chiefs chairman Mark Milley, our favorite Mark Milley, tested positive for Covid yesterday. (Cont)

The Guardian