$ister $arah Palin’s lawsuit against the NYT delayed because she tested positive for the ‘Rona… again

So much for the theory floated about by a bunch of science denying anti vaxxers that once you’ve had COVID-19, you’ve built up some ‘Pumpkin Magic’ number of antibodies, which somehow makes you immune from contracting the virus again. Infectious-disease doctors claim that rushing out to get antibody tests to determine one’s level of immunity against the often deadly virus is a ‘fool’s errand.’ No one knows the exact number.

The failed vice president candidate and mother of one of the US’ most dysfunctional family brought forth a libel lawsuit against The New York Times alleging the newspaper defamed her in “a June 2017 editorial that wrongly asserted a link between an ad made by Palin’s political action committee six years earlier and a 2011 mass shooting in Arizona, in which six people were killed and several others wounded, including Democratic Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.”

Today, $sister $arah was to get her bigly day in court but, that didn’t happen.

According to The Huffington Post:

Ms. Palin’s trial will be delayed until February 3, 2022 because over the weekend, she took a rapid test and tested positive for COVID-19. A follow-up test Monday also came back positive, resulting in the delay. While the court sought a more accurate PCR test for Palin, her lawyer says she was “confused” by the lines at a testing facility Monday morning and ended up taking a rapid test instead.

“Ms. Palin has tested positive for coronavirus,” U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff told the court Monday. “She is, of course, unvaccinated.”

Judge Rakoff proposed going forward with jury selection but Palin refused. She also refused to participate remotely via Zoom. If she tests positive again next week, the trial will be delayed for months.

Palin has gotten COVID at least once before, in March 2021. That bout wasn’t enough to convince her to get vaccinated, however. At a rally last month in Phoenix, she said she would get vaccinated “over my dead body.”

“It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot,” Palin told the crowd, days after the U.S. passed 800,000 confirmed COVID deaths. “I will not do that. I won’t do it, and they better not touch my kids either.”

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