DATELINE: Warren, Ohio (WKBN) – A Warren minister is speaking out after the parking lot of his church was damaged, once again, by someone doing doughnuts. The latest ordeal happened last week at the East Side Church of Christ on Niles Road in Warren.
Minister Nick Kelson, said that since the church moved to the location, it has happened several times.
Kelson says the damage creates a fall risk for older members of the church and is costly to fix. Now he’s asking people to stay away from private property doing these types of activities.
“There are places I am sure you can go and have fun. Do the doughnuts, things of that nature, and there are certain tracks and things like that that are in line for those. Just please stay away from the private property, whether it’s a church, any church and any other businesses in the area,” Kelson said.
The church is considering adding gates to the parking lot.
✱Warren Ohio may be best know for it’s bestiality problem.
✱Warren is a short drive NW of Youngstown. (what they call the NW route)
Our crack News Views team “steaked” out the church and took video of a PT Cruiser doing donuts in the church parking lot.
*As usual no Bibles have been harmed*.