This Supreme Court doesn’t deserve to rule on Roe v. Wade

Legal profession can’t let Supreme Court justices’ deceit during confirmation stand

Trust undermined

The lies before the U.S. Senate from three Supreme Court justices during their confirmation hearings, leading to a likely decision fundamentally altering life in the United States, should compel the American Bar Association to demand their immediate resignations. The justices’ deceit in the face of direct questioning has undermined the justice system for which the ABA stands.

The corruption of the nation’s highest court cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. Every ABA member who respects the integrity of his or her profession, regardless of political persuasion or religious affiliation, should immediately demand the ABA protest this egregious attack on American jurisprudence.

Legal profession can’t let Supreme Court justices’ deceit during confirmation stand (

This Supreme Court, built by politics, doesn’t deserve to rule on Roe v. Wade

This Supreme Court, built by politics, doesn’t deserve to rule on Roe v. Wade (

Article submitted by, Restore America!!