With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines we may have missed or new developments providing they come from reliable and credible sources. We won’t accept any parroted, Russian propaganda from far-right ‘news’ sources unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. Nor, will we except any parroted far-right BS regarding issues occurring here, at home. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.

President Biden/Biden Administration:
Dr. Fauci isn’t on the ballot, quack:
Ohio’s ‘Finest:’
Should’ve Listened to Dr. Fauci Instead of Joe the Ignorant, Malignant, Illiterate, Racist, and ‘Fullish’ MAGAt:
“You will confront the same types of unpredictable events that I have experienced regardless of what directions your careers and lives take,” Fauci said. “So, expect the unexpected, and stay heads up for an unanticipated opportunity should it present itself.”
In his speech, Fauci also decried the divided nature of the nation’s politics, and his growing concern that the spread of misinformation and unchallenged lies are leading to what he calls the “normalization of untruths.” Fauci placed some of the blame for this on social media, “so-called” news organizations and certain elected officials in positions of power, a comment that earned a round of applause from the crowded stadium.
“It is our collective responsibility not to sink to a tacit acceptance of the normalization of untruths, because if we do, we bring danger to ourselves, our families and our communities,” Fauci said. “This is how a society devolves into a way of life where veracity becomes subservient to propaganda, rather than upheld as a guiding principle for creating and sustaining a just social order.”
What Others are Saying/The Sunday Shows:
The Worst People in the World:
Idaho ‘Patriot’ group to go ‘head-to-head’ against Coeur d’Alene Pride
Saying, “If they want to have a war, let it begin here,” a Coeur d’Alene, Idaho “patriot” group promises to “go head-to-head” against Pride in the Park, claiming, “They are trying to take your children.”
Ultra-conservative Idaho State Rep. Heather Scott, R-Bonner County, held a forum on Thursday titled “Gameplan to Remove Inappropriate Materials from Our Schools and Libraries” at the Regeneration Calvary Chapel, saying, “There’s a war going on, and the scariest thing about this war is that these tactics that are being waged against society, most people are just unaware it is even happening. It’s good versus evil … I’m not sure how this battle’s gonna end, but I always go back to is ‘all evil needs is for good men to do nothing.’”
Other News:
Meghan McCain’s Feud With Dad’s Ex-Adviser Erupts on Twitter:
John McCain’s 2008 campaign manager took to Twitter on Saturday to declare Meghan McCain an “entitled bully” and “fourth generation wannabe,” setting off a public feud that quickly spiraled out of control.
It all started in response to reports that McCain’s new book, Bad Republican: A Memoir, has failed spectacularly, with only 244 copies sold since it came out in late April. Steve Schmidt, Sen. McCain’s senior campaign strategist and adviser for his failed 2008 presidential bid, chimed in on those reports with an epic venting session.