Last Call: May 21, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and Happy Saturday evening.

I’m relying on you guys to get the party going because…I’m tired and don’t have much going on. We did a lot of walking yesterday and up freaking hills near our hotel in San Francisco and man, I’m feeling it today.

We went to the Giants v. Padres game but, what do we do? Watch less of the baseball game and go find an area of the stadium that had the Warriors game on, which was going on at the same time and right down the street from the Giants, lots of traffic. We weren’t alone; many people chose to ditch the baseball game, sit back with their beverage of choice, and watch the Warriors win.

Yes, I’m pulling for the Warriors but the nice thing about all this, basketball season is almost over!!!! And one last thing about the game: when we did actually pay attention to the Giants’ game, we masked up. Plus, no one was sitting next to us, thankfully. Things are getting wild again so, consider dusting off your mask, especially near or around the MAGAt crowd.

So, on that note, enjoy what’s left of the weekend and stay safe.

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