Coffee Talk

Top o’ the muffin to you, NewsViewers, welcome to Thursday’s free chat session we call Coffee Talk.

We talk about everything here, including coffee — and this morning, adorning my desk, sits a beautiful banana-nut muffin, which will be gone before I have much more to say about it. Yum. I love how banana bread makes the house smell.

Anyway, we do talk about everything here, including breakfast, coffee, and cats, but we’re anxious to hear what news is happening in your world. And in the case that you wake up to the SSDD like I did — a gunman who shot two people and forced a campus lockdown overnight at Hope College in Betsy DeVos Town — I’m ready for a distraction.

Enter, Today’s Topic:

I’ve been enjoying new episodes of David Letterman’s “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction…” series on Netflix. My days (or should I say nights) of staying up for the clever monologues of the late night talk shows have come to an end, but I still enjoy highlight clips from Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, and Trevor Noah. So I’m curious…..

If you could host your own Coffee-Talk-Show, who would be your guests?

Bonus points if you want to add a musical guest.

I’ll go first, and admit I have a girl-crush on Valerie Bertinelli. She’s cute, she’s clever, she’s down-to-earth, and she has a leftist attitude. And she loves her cats. She would be my first guest. Bonus points for musical guest: I love her kid, too.

At any rate, this is your free chat, so feel free to address today’s topic, or the topic of your choice.

Enjoy your Thursday!