Liveblog - Weekend Wrap Up: January 21, 2024

Today’s blog will consist of both news and a free chat of sorts. As usual, post the headlines we may have missed and feel free to chit and chat and enjoy one another’s company! Happy Playoffs! Go Detroit!

Always Remember:

Comic Relief:

2024 Election:

Bye, Meatball DeFascist:

Stinky Adolf Benito Drumpf Holds a Rally:

What Others are Saying/The Sunday Shows:

The More You Know:

My ‘Go-To-Sadaf:’

The Worst, Stupidest, and Most Deplorable People in the World:

New Game: Identify the Shithole Dweller:

From the MarKODA Files:

Craven Assholes:

Uncle Tim Needs Attention:

MAGAt Machine Gun Massie:

Sister Sarah The Patron Saint of Pathological Liars:

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