The driver of the black SUV is at far left. His girlfriend is in the crosswalk and the 2 from the Fedex van are next to a power pole.
Authorities told Local 10 News that the man “lost control of the vehicle” around 7 p.m. after being distracted by his girlfriend’s sexual acts.
“At the time of the crash, the woman inside the SUV was performing oral sex on the male driver, according to Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue who responded to the scene,” reported Local 10. “The driver of the SUV sustained injuries to his private area due to what was going on at the time of the crash, according to FLFR.”
“Upon arrival, crews observed two vehicles with heavy damage and four adults with various injuries,” said Gollan. The two adults in the SUV “suffered severe but non-life-threatening injuries,” he continued, and the two adult males in the FedEx vehicle “suffered minor injuries.”
The man appeared to be in pain as officers gather around him as he laid on his back. The woman, who had her jeans around her ankles, lay face down on the pavement in nothing but her underwear and a white tank top.