Last Call: June 4, 2022

Good evening, News Viewers and welcome to another Saturday night. Time to kick back, pour yourself a beverage of your choice, maybe grab a few snacks, and talk about pretty much whatever you want; of course, within reason.

So, I picked my first tomato yesterday and it was delicious! It was an Italian varietal called Principe Borghese. I describe them as a cross between a grape tomato and San Marzano. They’re meant for drying but I never have enough to dry because we just snack on them while outside doing stuff. So far, the veggie garden is doing very well and I am about ready to start picking some peppers. I picked a few pepperoncinis already but, I didn’t get any; my son ate ALL OF THEM! They’ll be more.

Since there was no basketball game on, (thankfully), my husband even came out backe and staked up a few vines. For the last few years, I’ve done most of the yardwork so it was quite nice to see him out there because he always enjoyed it. Soon, b-ball will be over until fall so, he’ll be out more.

And on that note: Enjoy the rest of the weekend and be safe.

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About Ms. G 5735 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!