AG Garland Announces Team to Review Police Response to Uvalde Shooting

Garland said the team, which includes officials who have reviewed past mass shootings, will visit the school and interview local officials. Those local officials have promised to cooperate, he said.

“Nothing that these folks can do, can undo the terrible tragedy that occurred and that we are just heartbroken about, but we can assess what happened and we can make recommendations for the future,” Garland told reporters at the beginning of a closed-door meeting of the group.

Texas state and county authorities say they are conducting their own inquiry.


“We will be assessing what happened that day. We will be doing site visits at the school. We will be conducting interviews [with] an extremely wide variety of stakeholders, witnesses, families, law enforcement, government officials, school officials,” he added.

The review will be led by COPS director Robert Chapman and the office’s senior counsel and will involve current and former law enforcement officials, including former police chiefs and an FBI official.


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