DoJ Says TFG’s Special Master Request Would Harm national Security Interests

It's not all about you, TFG and your MAGAt KKKult.

Per NBC:

The Justice Department on Tuesday night said that appointing a special master “is unnecessary and would significantly harm important governmental interests, including national security interests.”

The court filing came in response to former President Donald Trump‘s request on Aug. 22 — two weeks after the Mar-a-Lago search — for a special master to review the documents seized from his Florida estate.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, signaled over the weekend that she was inclined to grant the former president’s request and appoint a third party to review the documents to ensure they don’t contain information protected by attorney-client privilege. The Justice Department has said that a government filter team that’s separate from the investigation had already identified “a limited set of materials” potentially containing privileged information.

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