Free Chat Friday, Week 38

Hiya News Viewers, it’s Friday, aka ”fry day”, and I’m not talking eggs and bacon, I’m talking a million degrees in the shade.

I’m thinking it’s a good time to take some A.C. breaks and freely chat—this is our News Views Friday Open Forum where all topics are the topic (or at least MOST topics :-))

It’s been a week with some much needed wins, whether from a scrappy fighting force for Democracy in Ukraine, a formidable NY AG, a surprising Special Master, a miraculous telescope reporting to brave truth seekers a wild view of the universe, or the women in Iran throwing off their hijabs in the public square in protest of a death decree for doing so.

This has been a week of No Fear for many. And we get to freely weigh in on all of it, right here, right now.

So Welcome brainiacs and sleepy heads — what’s going on in your lives, interior, exterior or somewhere in the middle?— let’s talk…..

Editorial Cartoon by Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator – Thursday September 22, 2022
abortion, workers, business, economics, poitical cartoon