538 Children Obtained Abortions in Ohio in 2021

After the nation learned about a 10-year old, Ohio, rape victim who had to travel out to Indiana to obtain an abortion because the state prohibits healthcare providers from performing the procedure after they detect cardiac activity, Ohio’s Department of Health released statistics on minors obtaining abortions.

In 2021, 538 children ages 17 and younger legally obtained abortions in Ohio, including 57 who were younger than 15 years old. That represents 2.5% of the 21,813 abortions performed in Ohio last year. The state does not track how many abortions were performed on victims of rape and incest. The age of consent in Ohio is 16 years old.

Statistics also showed that more black women sought abortion care than white women. Keep in mind, the maternal mortality rate among black women is higher than white or Latina women, per capita—(bigly concept).

Data also showed that nearly 60% of abortions performed in 2021 occurred before nine weeks gestation. Very few − 156 out of more than 21,800 abortions − were performed after 21 weeks into pregnancy.

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