Christian School Teacher Blamed God For Sexually Assaulting Student

Christian School Teacher David Pendley


LAS VEGAS  — After a Faith Lutheran mission trip with the teacher and his students to Mexico …

While the group from was on its way back to Las Vegas, the senior victim said Pendley sat down next to her and leaned into her so he could “see the TV better” from the seat. When the group returned to Las Vegas, the victim hugged two other teachers when Pendley approached her, hugged her, and whispered “I love you” into her ear, documents said. The victim told police she tried pulling away a couple of times before he finally let her go, according to documents.

That weekend, the victim said Pendley texted her for the first time asking for a picture of her face. Once she sent one after he persistently asked her, he commented on her looks and “began commenting about the fact that he always noticed how big her breasts were… adding that he wanted to grab them,” documents said.

In March 2018, Pendley allegedly asked the victim to dog sit while he and his wife were away on a cruise and invited the victim to his home to meet his wife and dog. When the victim arrived at the home, she realized it was just the two of them. While at the home, Pendley sexually assaulted the victim, documents said.

At one point, Pendley allegedly told the victim that “the reason he was often sexual with her because his heart is connected to his penis, and when he loves someone, his penis gets erect,” adding that “God made him that way,” documents said.

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Pendley faces six charges for school employee in a position of authority, 21 or older, engaging in sexual conduct with a pupil, 16 or older. According to court records, prosecutors allege the offenses took place on or about Jan. 1, 2018.

The school released the typical “Faith Lutheran takes every allegation seriously, and we strive to provide a safe and supportive environment … blah, blah, blah,” statement.


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