Last Call: January 21, 2023

Good evening, News Viewers and welcome to the weekend.

Just a few things: Let’s not eat our own. Save the fighting for the trolls and the RW Domestic Terrorists that love to see if they can post one of their inane or hate filled comments. Your fellow News Viewers? Just agree to disagree and move on, thanks.

And I see the SPAMMER/interned harasser (Disqus’ version of George Santos/Joe Sankota) is back to tagging people and begging them to post on his shitholes. It’s awesome that many of the people he has tagged have blocked his MAGAt ass. But then again, this is the same moron who tags dead people. Yes, he’s that desperate, needy, and attention starved.

Anyway, pour yourself your favorite beverage and enjoy one another’s company.

R.I.P., David Crosby-

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About Ms. G 5730 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!