With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources. In other words, please do not post any missed headlines form far right ‘news’ sources or regurgitate their Russian propaganda unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation. We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.
2024 Election:
Sanders supporters took over the Nevada Democratic Party. It’s not going well.
The senator lets it be known that he’s unhappy with work his followers have done in the critical battleground state.
January 6, Updates:
Rep. Scott Perry was ‘persistent’ in contacting executive branch around 2020 election, court documents reveal
The seized cell phone of Rep. Scott Perry contained 930 records where the Pennsylvania Republican often tried to cajole executive branch officials around the 2020 presidential election, according to newly released court papers in the fight over his cell phone data.
“Rep. Perry’s communications with Executive Branch officials, as reflected in the responsive records, demonstrate that he welcomed, rather than resisted, and indeed often initiated these communication [redacted],” Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the DC District Court wrote in one of four unsealed opinions, after she had reviewed the records and decided to release them to prosecutors.
Judge rejected Perry’s bid to shield thousands of emails from Jan. 6 investigators
The Pennsylvanian lawmaker’s phone was seized and imaged by the FBI as part of the 2020 election investigation.
The chief judge of the federal district court in Washington, D.C., secretly rejected Rep. Scott Perry’s bid to shield more than 2,000 messages relevant to Justice Department investigators probing efforts by Donald Trump to subvert the 2020 election, according to newly unsealed court filings.
U.S. District Court Chief Judge Beryl Howell unsealed her extraordinary Dec. 28 decision on Friday evening, determining that the “powerful public interest” in seeing the previously secret opinion outweighed the need for continued secrecy.

5 things to know about norovirus
The Worst and Stupidest People in the World:
Shoveling Snow While Black:
Gregory McAdory, who uploaded the video to TikTok on Feb. 18, said in an interview with The Daily Beast that he and his friend have a snow removal business in Rockford, Illinois. He explained that on Feb. 17 they finished clearing his friend’s father’s driveway, then moved onto the sidewalk in front of the neighbor’s house. That’s when the neighbor came out and “bugged” up on them, threatening to call the police, he said.
Speaking of Racist Assholes-Good on Cleveland.com
We are dropping the Dilbert comic strip because of creator Scott Adams’ racist rant: Letter from the Editor
Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, went on a racist rant this week on his Coffee with Scott Adams online video show, and we will no longer carry his comic strip in The Plain Dealer.
This is not a difficult decision.
Adams said Black people are a hate group, citing a recent Rasmussen survey which, he said, shows nearly half of all Black people do not agree with the phrase “It’s okay to be white.”
***Gee, sounds like another racist MAGAt who pollutes up the interwebz.
Craven Assholes:
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is moving forward with the creation of a bipartisan task force to set parameters for when a lawmaker can be kicked off a committee, with McCarthy reaching out to members to ask them to serve on it, according to a person familiar with the creation of the new group.