E. Jean Carroll Seeks Amendment to Lawsuit for Additional $10 Million

Only one day after E. Jean Carroll won a $5 million lawsuit against Trump for sexual abuse and defamation, the Orange Ass was insulting her again on CNN calling it a “rigged deal” based on a “made-up story.” Trump labeled her a “wack job.”

On Monday, Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan filed an additional motion to a 2019 defamation lawsuit, which has been sidetracked by appeals and is still pending. The lawsuit has been presented before the same judge which oversaw the previous civil trial.

Carroll seeks “very substantial” monetary damages of no less than $10 million. 

The new filing asks the judge to let her revise the 2019 defamation lawsuit to include the fact of the verdict as well as Trump’s post-verdict statements on CNN as well as others he made about Carroll on Truth Social.

“Trump’s defamatory statements post-verdict show the depth of his malice toward Carroll since it is hard to imagine defamatory conduct that could possibly be more motivated by hatred, ill will, or spite,” the proposed amended complaint said.

“This conduct supports a very substantial punitive damages award in Carroll’s favor both to punish Trump, to deter him from engaging in further defamation, and to deter others from doing the same,” the filing says.

“It makes a mockery of the jury verdict and our justice system if he can just keep on repeating the same defamatory statements over and over again,” Ms. Kaplan said.

New York Times, CNBC