Free Range Free Chat

Good morning, News Viewers, on a beautiful Monday morning with clear blue skies, where Free Range Free Chat puts the focus on Mother Earth and all things nature.

Since the end of June, the local air quality has improved immensely. A shift in weather patterns is nourishing the land with rain, and the jet stream is keeping Canadian wildfire smoke essentially north of the border.

And they are still going strong, according to the NASA map below.


According to The Guardian, Canadian officials are looking at three more months of wildfire season, when even at this point in time, 34-year-old records have been shattered.

More than 22.2 million acres of the country have burned already, while the previous 1989 record took out more than 19 million acres.

The fires this year are bigger, and more numerous.

In recent days, many regions of the country had a glimpse of the intense heat that could arrive in the coming months, with warnings in Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. Earlier this week, Kuujjuaq in northern Quebec hit nearly 93°F – hotter than Miami.

And yet in a global perspective, the western hemisphere looks relatively healthy.

The map below is eye opening.

IQ/AIR Earth

Welcome to Monday’s free chat, what’s happening in your biosphere?